Monday, 17 August 2015

Living a Life as an Eternal Bachelor


            Life is a mission. Each one of us is a messenger. Life is a gift for others.  It is a gift to all equally whether we will or not. Life is free and coming from God. Therefore there is some purpose to meet which each one has to find out in life. Life comes with both joy and sorrow. The philosophy of life is to learn to coup with the situations and time. It is rightly said that if you have why to live can live any how. Life is dynamic. Therefore we need to understand its ways. Life is to share, live and enjoy. St. Irenaeus has rightly said that” the glory of God is the man fully alive. We are here to live our life to the full. As a person in his childhood finds every thing interesting and amusing. Similarly every one need to find thing suiting and lively. The simple rule of life is to love every thing doing in a proper way. Life has only one message is that to live life as an Eternal Bachelor. This is our work and glory. Life is creative and wonderful among all its misery. This should be an attitude to be an eternal bachelor.  

            Eternal Bachelor does not mean only being single forever, enjoying alone but also remain always young in Heart and Mind. Living a life always young is possible through the right Thoughts and Deeds. When we were born, God has already blessed us with all possibilities. We are social being. Therefore it is necessary to live in society. We enjoy gathering, and sharing our feelings and emotions. Our aim should be to live an exemplary life. This is a self-knowledge which helps to live life correctly and consciously. Many people find life boring and disinterested because there is no motivation, no discipline in life. Living life with the attitude of ever active will give meaning to us. There are people who live life with zeal, enthusiasm and with great love. This is ever lasting youthfulness. The world is full of such examples such as Stephan Hawkins, Nick, Nelson Mandela, APJ Abdul kalam, Don Bosco, and so on. Eternal bachelor life has two aspects- Secular understanding, and Religious understanding. Both the aspects are important in life. It is not necessary to be religious to be bachelor and single to be called a bachelor. We categorize this understanding like previous sentence because of our misunderstanding or having not enough knowledge. The simple understanding is to be True to your self. There are many ways to be youthful according to the person to person. For the young person the bachelor means to be single, attractive, and lively and for the experienced person it means to be responsible and sensible towards himself and other. Similarly for religious it means union with God, set apart, becoming like God in action and thoughts. I too feel that religious bachelor means to be an authentic person. Who lives not for himself but for the humanity. He finds satisfaction in thinking good about others and doing God’s works. Today we need to be active and creative in our life. There is no option to be single and simple. We are called to be ever bachelor and fast in thinking and doing. This activeness is seen when we move out from our selves. Our generosity keeps us always graceful.
            Many times question arises that am I living only for today? Am I also living for eternal? When I thought over it, I found that I am only concentrating on life which is full of energy. This is not for ever but only for today. According to me, we are not only here to live for today or just few years, but for eternity. This is the understanding of the Christian scripture.
            According to the Bible, our life should be a witness to Christ which calls for constantly active participation. Many times we simply devote our time and energy to our books, personal affairs, and worldly things. Although we must give attention to the basic things that are necessary to life, we make a big mistake when only focus on knowledge, properties and so on (temporal matters ) while neglecting eternal spiritual issue that will pass from the life into the next. This is the danger we mostly face in our lives. This topic “Living a Life as an Eternal Bachelor” also brings to my mind priorities in life. It makes me to think that am I investing my life in just bachelor or eternity?. Jesus invested in eternity and many also who followed Him later. Life of Jesus was an exemplary. He lived and worked for others having in mind that it was not his but God’s work. And whatever we do for Jesus will last. Don’t we think it would be wise to reflect on our life prayerfully.
            However, people of  today’s world live for the present, seeking for fame and wealth. Nothing is wrong with money and prosperity. But I feel that we need to rise from the level of self-centeredness to self-acknowledgement. We are living primarily for today but need also to invest our life wisely in our eternal future. This way of life is much painful and demands a lot of sacrifices. The last line which inspire me is to be happy the way I am, being content with myself as to live my life extraordinary way. The last message I got while dealing with this topic is take care of yourself and good things will come your way (keep smiling to remain forever young).


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